Thursday, March 15, 2007

Mocha Club-Amy J

The Rolling Hills Mocha Club Team launches on Monday! I had breakfast with Barrett (Mocha Club Guy) yesterday and he shared a much bigger picture of Mocha Club's work in Africa. The bottom line is, $7 a month is transforming Africa. And we get to be a part of that! There are so many amazing projects that are happening through Mocha Club.

Right now, our Rolling Hills team is set up to support the purchase of ARV drugs, the drugs patients at Living Hope receive. I want to challenge you to get on the Mocha Club site ( If you "Search for Existing Clubs" you can read about each clubs purpose. Our club is listed and if you're like me you're ready to enter your info and start building your page, but we really should wait until Monday b/c the page is getting an overhaul this weekend.

I hope you all will see the outrageous potential in this program. As the Africa team, I hope we will lead out on this effort!

OK. That's all from me at this moment.

I am looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday! I feel like I haven't seen you all in months.

P.S. About my "Processing" post... I heard a song that's helping me process or maybe it's inspiring me... Sara Groves "Add to the Beauty" It kind of sums up my feelings about my account of our trip and how I feel toward Africa.


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